Your Major Abroad Series
September 7-10, 2021
Intro Heading link
Explore study abroad program options for all majors
Talk with faculty and advisors from across campus about how study abroad can fit with your major and/or minor
Learn how to apply financial aid for your term abroad and about study abroad scholarships
Your Major Abroad Heading link

Are you interested in studying abroad but unsure about how a term abroad will fit into your UIC degree plan? The UIC Study Abroad Office has created a series of events to help!
The virtual events will include faculty and advisors from across campus to help you learn about programs which may satisfy degree requirements. Whether you want to study abroad to satisfy requirements for your major, minor, or simply to learn and explore something new, there’s a study abroad program for you.
We will also help answer all your questions about financial aid and scholarships. Please scroll down to view our event list and register now!
Schedule of Events Heading link
The Study Abroad Office will be tabling in the quad on East Campus from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Come find us to discuss your questions and learn about studying abroad. Additionally, check out these info. sessions:
College of Architecture, Design, and the Arts (CADA)
Tuesday, September 7th, Noon [12pm CST]
Click here to view the presentation.
You are invited to attend this session to learn about UIC study abroad opportunities for CADA majors.
Featuring presentations from faculty directors in CADA
- Design and Artisan Industries in India [Summer 2022] – Professor Ted Burdett
- Independent Publishing in Mexico City [Summer 2022] – Professor Jack Fisher
- Italian Language, Culture and the Arts in Salerno & Siena [Summer 2022] – Maria Iusco, Lecturer
Honors College
Tuesday, September 7th, Noon [12pm CST]
Click here to watch the recorded presentation.
You are invited to attend this session to learn about UIC study abroad opportunities for Honors College students. Study abroad can help you complete your capstone requirements and the honors college offers special scholarship opportunities to do so!
Featuring presentations from faculty directors in the Honors College
- POP! Art & Culture that Rocked British Society in the 1960’s [Spring Break 2022] – Assistant Dean Michele McCrillis
U.S. Passport Presentation: Your Passport to the World
This session will give insight into the importance of having a U.S Passport and will highlight the application process for obtaining a U.S. Passport.
Tuesday, September 7th, 2:00 PM
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (LAS) Humanities
Wednesday, September 8th, Noon [12pm CST]
Click here to watch the recorded presentation.
You are invited to attend this session to learn about UIC study abroad opportunities for Humanities majors.
Featuring presentations from faculty directors in Humanities
- Learning from Puerto Rico: Environmental, Economic, and Political Challenges for the Future [Summer 2022] – Dr. Ralph Cintrón and José López
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (LAS) Languages
Wednesday, September 8th, Noon [12pm CST]
Review the slides presented at this session here.
Click here to watch the recorded presentation.
You are invited to attend this session to learn about UIC study abroad opportunities for Language majors.
Featuring presentations from faculty directors in the Languages
- Social Justice, Identity, and Language in Oaxaca [Summer 2022] – Dr. Kim Potowski
- Spanish Culture Through Food, Language, Literature, and Art [Summer 2022] – Dr. Keith Budner and Carrie Pichan, Visiting Lecturer
- Understanding Korean History, Culture and Society [Summer 2022] – Hanae Kim, Adjunct Lecturer
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (LAS) Social Sciences
Wednesday, September 8th, Noon [12pm CST]
Download a copy of the presentation slides here.
You are invited to attend this session to learn about UIC study abroad opportunities for Social Sciences majors.
Featuring presentations from faculty directors in the Social Sciences:
- Families as They Really Are: Dutch/American Comparison [Summer 2022] – Dr. Barbara Risman (Dr. Risman cannot attend but we will have information available about her program)
- Urban Sustainability and Livability in Copenhagen [Summer 2022] – Dr. Michael Emerson
- Social Services Seminar in Paris [Spring Break 2022] and Social Services Internships in Paris [Summer 2022] – Kathryn Engel, Senior Lecturer
College of Education
Wednesday, September 8th, Noon [12pm CST]
View a recording of this session here.
You are invited to attend this session to learn about UIC study abroad opportunities for Education majors.
Featuring presentations from faculty directors in the College of Education:
- First Year Flames Abroad: College Success & Leadership in a Global Context [Summer 2022 – for Fall 2022 first year students only) – Dr. Jennifer Olson
- Education, Globalization, and the Child in Brazil [Spring Break 2022) – Dr. Jennifer Olson
The Study Abroad Office will be tabling in the quad on East Campus from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Come find us to discuss your questions and learn about studying abroad. Additionally, check out these info. sessions:
College of Applied Health Sciences (AHS)
Thursday, September 9th, 10:00am CST
View a recording of this session here.
You are invited to attend this session to learn about UIC study abroad opportunities for AHS majors.
Featuring presentations from faculty director Vered Arbel
- Cambridge: Qualitative Human Movement [Spring Break 2022] Vered Arbel, Instructor
- Elements in Motion: Move and Be Moved in Israel [Summer 2022] – Vered Arbel, Instructor
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (LAS) Natural Sciences and Pre-Health/Pre-Med
Thursday, September 9th, Noon [12pm CST]
Review the presentation slides here.
You are invited to attend this session to learn about UIC study abroad opportunities for Natural Sciences majors.
Featuring presentations from faculty directors in the Natural Sciences
- Field Ecology in Ecuador [Summer 2022] – Dr. Karin Nelson
College of Nursing (CON) & Pre-Nursing
Thursday, September 9th, Noon [12pm CST]
View a recording of this session here.
You are invited to attend this session to learn about UIC study abroad opportunities for Nursing majors.
Featuring presentations from faculty directors in Nursing
- Disaster Preparedness and Global Health in the Caribbean [Summer 2022] – Dr. Gwyneth Milbrath
- Global Maternal and Child Healthcare in Rwanda [Summer 2022] – Dr. Pamela Meharry
- Culture and Health in Spain [Summer 2022] – Dr. Susan Kilroy
School of Public Health (SPH)
Thursday, September 9th, Noon [12pm CST]
Register Here:
You are invited to attend this session to learn about UIC study abroad opportunities for Public Health majors.
Featuring presentations from Kathryn Engel regarding faculty-directed programs that is open to Public Health majors:
- Social Services Seminar in Paris [Spring Break 2022] and Social Services Internships in Paris [Summer 2022] – Kathryn Engel, Senior Lecturer
Funding Your Study Abroad Program Presentation
Thursday, September 9th, 4:00 PM
Studying abroad does not have to cost more than a typical semester at UIC. In addition, there are many resources available to help students afford study abroad. During this presentation, we offer resources to help you understand the true cost of studying abroad in relation to the cost of attending UIC, discuss how federal financial aid may be available, and highlight numerous scholarship resources.
The Study Abroad Office will be tabling in the quad on East Campus from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Come find us to discuss your questions and learn about studying abroad. Additionally, check out these info. sessions:
College of Business Administration (CBA)
Friday, September 10th, Noon [12pm CST]
Register Here:
You are invited to attend this session to learn about UIC study abroad opportunities for Business majors.
Featuring presentations from faculty directors in CBA:
- Global Supply Chain Management in Mexico [Summer 2022] – Dr. Tony Pagano and Dr. Juan José Cabrera-Lazarini
- Global Operations Management: A Cross-Cultural Business Experience in France [Summer 2022] – Dr. Matt Liotine
- Dublin Internships, Professional Presence, & Improvisational Theater Abroad [Summer 2022] – Morgan Lord, Lecturer and Stephanie Anderson, Instructor
College of Engineering (ENG)
Friday, September 10th, Noon [12pm CST]
View a recording of this session here.
You are invited to attend this session to learn about UIC study abroad opportunities for Engineering majors.
College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs (CUPPA)
Friday, September 10th, Noon [12pm CST]
View a recording of this session here.
You are invited to attend this session to learn more about UIC study abroad opportunities for CUPPA majors
Gilman International Scholarship Overview Session
Friday, September 10th, 4:00 PM
University Hall 502
The Gilman International Scholarship is a nationally competitive scholarship to support diverse students in studying abroad. Students must be Pell-eligible in order to apply. Additionally, there is the Gilman-McCain scholarship for students who are undergraduate child dependents of active duty service members. This session will provide an overview of these awards and provide tips on how to develop a competitive application.
Recorded Presentations from UIC Partners
Please check out this information about different programs from our partners all over the world!
SIT is a leader in immersive, field-based study abroad programs for undergraduates. Click here to watch their “Study Abroad with SIT” video or click here to visit their webpage to learn more about their program options around the world.
Learn about our brand-new Mathematical Sciences Program in Guanajuato, Mexico. Watch their introduction video here or view their online brochure to learn more about the opportunities in Applied Math, Computer Science, and Data Science.
Learn more about the American College of Thessaloniki by watching this video or visiting their website here.
Learn more about the Istituto Lorenzo de’ Medici programs in Florence and Tuscania, Italy by watching this video or visiting their homepage.
University College Dublin (UCD)
UIC partners with University College Dublin (UCD) on an exchange program for graduate students and by offering a direct enroll opportunity for all UIC students. Learn more about their study abroad program by watching this video.