First Step
First Steps Heading link

“Studying Abroad gives students the opportunity to not only experience the country, people, and culture which they’re visiting, but it also gives them the opportunity to practice independence while building upon many other aspects of self-development that stem from being plucked from ones daily routines and normal surroundings. Studying abroad is freedom.”
SIT Geneva, Switzerland and Wanxiang Fellowship, Hangzhou, China|
Attending a First Step Info Session Heading link
First Step Info Sessions are mandatory for all study abroad applicants as a starting point for the application process.
The presentation will review how to select a program that aligns with your academic, personal, and professional goals, the application and course approval processes, financial aid policies, and scholarship opportunities.
Please visit this link to watch the 25-minute First Step Info Session video online at your own convenience. Afterwards, if you have any additional questions, our Peer Advisors or Study Abroad Advisor are available to meet with you to help you with any questions you have about the study abroad process. Visit our Meet with an Advisor page to make an appointment.