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“One of the things that holds people back is monetary fear, there are plenty of scholarships out there for you to be able to go abroad and sometimes pay less than you would at UIC.”
Neuroscience, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea|
Browse UIC Study Abroad Scholarship Options Heading link
There are a variety of nationally competitive, regionally focused, UIC housed, and program sponsor scholarship opportunities for study abroad.
Additionally, in order to help make study abroad financially accessible to as many students as possible, we have negotiated with our academic partners to create automatic grants for every UIC student accepted into their program. Please check the Academic Partner Funding Resources tab for more information.
Summer, Fall, and Academic Year Program Study Abroad Office Scholarship Fund Applications ARE NOW OPEN in SnAP and CLOSE on February 16, 2025
Scholarship applications for Spring semester and Spring Break programs – Closed
Apply for an SAO Fund Scholarship in SnAP
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UIC SnaP Scholarships
The following scholarships can be applied for through UIC SnaP, UIC’s internal scholarship information system.
If you are a UIC student, you can log in using your UIC netid and password and search Study Abroad or the name of the specific scholarship listed below.
Summer, Fall, and Academic Year program Study Abroad Office Scholarship Fund applications are CLOSED and will open January 13, 2025 until February 16, 2025.
Please log into SnaP at that time to access the online application.
Apply Now
Study Abroad Office Scholarship Fund applications for Spring semester and Spring Break programs will be CLOSED until August 25, 2025.
Study Abroad Office Scholarship Fund
Due to generous support from the following donors and scholarship funds, the Study Abroad Scholarship Fund awards scholarships of up to $1,000 for semester and summer programs (depending on duration), and up to $500 for spring break programs. Students participating in a virtual internship program are eligible to receive up to $500 for a virtual internship.
Stanley Ikenberry Scholarship Award
Nina Shepherd Scholarship Award: Founding Director of the UIC Study Abroad Office
Judy Curry [China] Scholarship Award: Preference is given to students studying in China.
Accessible Frontiers
*Fine and Performing Arts and Media Studies Scholarship
**Everett F. and Florence T. Drumright Study Abroad Scholarship
John and Grace Nuveen Grants for Study Abroad: This is open to any UIC degree-seeking student who is participating in a Study Abroad Office international program or a credit-bearing international experience approved by the university. Students wishing to participate on non-credit programs may be considered if their program is determined to be part of their degree program by their home college. Preference will be given to applicants participating in a faculty-directed or exchange program.
*Fine and Performing Arts and Media Studies Scholarship
The Fine and Performing Arts and Media Studies Scholarship is a generous gift from an anonymous donor. This study abroad scholarship is for UIC degree-seeking students in Fine and Performing Arts and English majors with a concentration in the Film, Media, Performance & Pop Culture. The scholarship must be used to pursue a UIC Study Abroad Office-approved study abroad program during fall, spring, or summer sessions.
PhD students in art history are also eligible to apply for the scholarship to receive funding to conduct research or study in one of the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Egypt, England, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, Wales
See this document for further eligibility information.
**Everett F. and Florence T. Drumright Study Abroad Scholarship
The Everett F. and Florence T. Drumright Study Abroad Scholarship has donor intent guidelines with a preference which will be given to students with Chinese heritage. If no qualified applicants have this background, then priority will be given to students studying abroad in Asia.
UIC College Scholarships
Honors College Study Abroad Scholarship Fund
Available to members of the UIC Honors College in good standing. Awards are offered on a competitive basis for Summer, Fall, Spring and Academic Year programs. Amounts vary based on strength of application, financial need, merit, and program details. Awards of up to $2,500.
Max Kade Scholarship Fund [Germany]
Awards of up to $1,000 for summer or fall study abroad in Germany. This award is co-sponsored by the Department of Germanic Studies and a generous donation from the Max Kade Foundation. Preference is given to students pursuing Germanic Studies while abroad.
Astrida Orle Tantillo Bridges Fund [German majors and minors]
Aims to build a “bridge” between students’ Germanic studies at UIC and their personal career goals. This award allows students to have meaningful learning experiences without stressing about finances. The fund is for both undergraduate and graduate students in Germanic Studies. Winners of the competition will receive up to $5,000 to pursue intensive study, research, or internships related to their interests.
CADA Undergraduate Study Abroad Scholarship
The CADA Study Abroad Scholarship is available to students in the College of Architecture, Design, and the Arts only. Awards range from $500 to $2500 for study abroad programs. Eligibility: Must be a CADA undergraduate student in good standing and minimum GPA pf 3.0 upon application.
LAS Study Abroad Scholarships
Students majoring in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences can apply for the following LAS sponsored scholarships. Applicants must be currently enrolled full-time and have completed at least 30 hours at the end of spring term in the current academic year.
Professor Richard M. Johnson and Karen A. Egerer Scholarship Award
The Professor Richard M. Johnson and Karen A. Egerer Award is a scholarship awarded annually to LAS undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need. Award(s) of up to $2,000 towards a spring, summer, or fall study abroad program.
James McNulty Scholarship Award
The James McNulty Scholarship is a scholarship awarded annually to LAS undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need. Award(s) of up to $2,000 (summer) and up to $5,000 (semester) must be used to pursue a UIC Study Abroad Office approved study abroad program during fall, spring, or summer sessions. Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above on a 4.0 scale.
James D. Compton LAS Study Abroad in Spain Scholarship
The James D. Compton LAS Study Abroad in Spain Scholarship is a study abroad scholarship for undergraduate students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences enrolled in academic-year-long study abroad in Spain. Preference shall be given to students studying in Barcelona, Spain. Award(s) of up to $2,000.
Additional UIC Scholarships
Please visit these scholarship and foundation websites to apply
Flames Internship Grant
The Flames Internship Grant [FIG] provides a $2500 stipend over the course of one academic semester or the summer. Positions eligible for funding must be substantive experiential learning opportunities completed on a consistent schedule for a specified period of time. Students participating in internships abroad are eligible to apply for this grant. Please notify your study abroad advisor of your plans to apply and they can assist you in getting any necessary materials.
Doe Thornburg Scholarship
The Doe Thornburg Scholarship offers one award of $1,000 sponsored by International Women Associates (IWA) of Chicago and open only to UIC and Northwestern University students. Those eligible to apply must be current undergraduates who are US citizens or US permanent residents with a minimum 3,0 GPA. Students of any sex/gender are eligible to apply. Applicants must be accepted into an approved study abroad program. Apply directly through the IWA website.
The application deadline is extended through April 25th, 2025.
Chancellor's FirstGen Flames Abroad Scholarship
The UIC Navigator Scholars program is a unique scholarship program to encourage first-generation, first-year undergraduate students to study abroad. Visit this page for more details about this scholarship.
Chris Deegan "Just Do It" Scholarship
Chris Deegan “Just Do It” Study Abroad Scholarship
Apply in UIC SnaP
Undergraduate or Graduate students going on an approved study abroad program through the UIC Study Abroad Office only can apply for a scholarship award of up to $1,000 to use towards their program in summer, fall, or spring (includes winter break).
The Chris Deegan “Just Do It” Scholarship was created to honor the former UIC Study Abroad Executive Director. Chris served as the Executive Director for the UIC Study Abroad Office for 16 years from 2004-2020. He was instrumental in establishing this office as an integral part of UIC. Chris laid down the foundation for the UIC Study Abroad Office. In his time as Director, he is credited with expanding program offerings, curating an impressive scholarship portfolio, and increasing student participation in international programming worldwide. Over his tenure at UIC, he led the team that developed diversity and inclusion efforts to increase access for underrepresented groups and supported faculty in creating innovative and accessible programming –making UIC a national leader in the diversity of study abroad participants. All of this was supported through intentional efforts that Chris led to enable students to access funding. In 2020, his efforts totaled over $1.2 million dollars of scholarship and grant aid awarded to students. He was a respected and valued member of the international education community and a true leader.
Most importantly, he believed in what he did. He truly changed students’ lives. He cared about every single student who came to his office. Through generous donations from colleagues, family, friends, and students this award was developed to honor his legacy.
Preference will be given to:
* Students traveling to non-traditional locations – Asia (specifically India), Latin America, and Africa. Please do not apply if you are not going to a country within these regions
* Students with a demonstrated financial need
* Students who have never studied abroad before
* Students who demonstrate an intentional choice in program with a clear connection to professional, academic, or personal goals
Academic Partner Funding Resources
These opportunities are partner/program specific and are only available to students with active applications with that partner. Students will need to visit their chosen study abroad partner’s website and complete the designated scholarship application for the scholarship opportunities. Each partner has a mixture of merit, diversity, and need-based scholarship opportunities. For the special funding for UIC students, these grants and/or discounts will automatically be applied.
- ACT [American College of Thessaloniki]
- Arcadia University, College of Global Studies
- Barcelona SAE
- CEA CAPA Education Abroad
- CIEE Study Abroad
- College Year in Athens
- DIS Abroad – Study abroad in Scandinavia
- IAU Study Abroad
- IES Abroad
- ISA by Worldstrides
- Loyola University – Rome
- KEI Abroad
- Lorenzo de’ Medici
- LSE [London School of Economics]
- Semester at Sea
- SFS [School for Field Studies]
- SIT Study Abroad
- Temple University [Rome & Japan]
- University of Minnesota Learning Abroad Center
- UW-Platteville Education Abroad
DAAD [German Academic Exchange Service]
Students can apply to the University Summer Course Grant if they are studying language or area studies at a German university and/or affiliated language schools.
Rise Germany
RISE Germany is a summer internship program for undergraduate students from the United States, Canada and the UK in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, engineering and computer science. RISE Germany offers unique opportunities for bachelor degree students to work with research groups at universities and top research institutions across Germany for a duration of three months (minimum stay ten weeks) during the summer.
Delta Phi Alpha German Honorary Society
Up to one $1,500 and up to four $500 awards for a student studying in a German-speaking country during the fall semester. Application deadline is early March.
FEA [Fund for Education Abroad]
Up to $10,000 (Academic Year); $5,000 (fall/spring semester); $1,230 (summer). Preference given to under-represented students and locations. Application deadline is early September for Spring and early January for Fall/Summer.
Freeman Awards for Study in Asia (Freeman-Asia)
This award provides scholarships for U.S. undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need to study abroad in East or Southeast Asia. Awards of up to $3,000 for a summer program (8 weeks minimum); $5,000 for a semester; $7,000 for a full academic year.
Gilman International Scholarship
Awards of up to $5,000 and up to $8,000 for critical language award. Applicants must be US citizens and Pell eligible. Deadlines are early March for summer and fall awards; early October for spring awards. Due to special country partnerships, additional funding may be available for programs in France, Portugal, Israel, Whales, and New Zealand
Additionally, students studying abroad in Germany will be considered for the Gilman-DAAD Germany Scholarship. Successful applicants will receive a study grant of up to $5,000 to be used toward tuition, housing, travel, and related costs for up to one academic year in Germany.
Review our recent Gilman Scholarship presentation here.
Gilman-McCain Scholarship
Awards of up to $5,000. Applicants must be US citizens, undergraduate child or spouse dependents of active duty service members, and a recipient of any type of Title IV federal financial aid during the time of application or provide proof that they will be receiving Title IV federal financial aid during their study abroad program or internship. Deadlines are early March for summer and fall awards; early October for spring awards.
NSEP (Boren)
Awards of up to $8,000 for a summer program (special initiative for STEM students only; 8 weeks minimum); $10,000 for a semester; $20,000 for a full academic year. Application deadline is early February.
Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grant
Awards of up to $1,000. Applicants must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.75 on a 4.0 scale (3.74 does not qualify).
Rainbow Scholarship
The Rainbow Scholarship awards deserving lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) students who aim to participate in high quality, rigorous education abroad programs. To be considered for the Rainbow Scholarship, applicants must self-identify on the Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) scholarship application.
US-Japan Bridging Foundation
Up to $2,500 [semester] – $4,000 [academic year] awarded to undergraduate students participating in a study abroad program in Japan for a semester or an academic year. Deadlines are early April and early October. Scholarship for DACA Students Scholarship for Indigenous Students Scholarship for First-Generation College Students
*The scholarships are not specifically for study abroad but are disbursed to students directly so can be used to cover study abroad expenses.
More Scholarships
Diversity Abroad Scholarships
Searchable database
Students who are studying abroad in Ireland and identify as a BIPOC are encouraged to apply for this scholarship. Students must have a minimum of a 3.0 GPA. For consideration students will need to submit a short essay and video testimonial. Awards of up to 3,000 Euros.
Diverse International Women of Color Scholarship
The Diverse International Women Of Color summer study abroad scholarship is intended to assist women of color who are exceptional in their studies and in need of financial assistance to study abroad. DIWC will award (5) $500 scholarships to women of color who have been accepted to a summer study abroad program.
Butex Awards in the UK
Awards of £500 for students studying at select UK institutions.
Hosteling International Explore the World Scholarship
Awards of up to $2,000
Toshizo Watanabe Scholarship
The scholarship will support up to the full cost of attendance of a semester or full year program in Japan
Tortuga Study Abroad Scholarship
Award of up to $1,000
LiveMás Taco Bell Foundation Scholarship
Students submit a 2-minute video entry describing their goals and passions. Not merit-based or need-based, but intended for students interested in impacting the world through innovation, creativity, and drive. Restricted to programs run by U.S. institutions only (no direct enrolls).
The Going Abroad Scholarship
The Going Study Abroad Scholarship is open to any citizen and/or resident of the United States (and its territories and possessions) who is enrolled full-time at an accredited institution of higher learning. The Going scholarship awards $1,500 to two students each spring and fall. Students participating in a summer program are eligible to apply.
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In addition to the Study Abroad Office scholarships on this page, the UIC Office of External Fellowships is a great resource for both internal and nationally competitive awards.
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“Financially, I wasn’t sure I would be able to study abroad, but thanks to the SAO I was able to find and apply to scholarships that helped me.”
Sociology and Gender and Women Studies, CIEE, Paris, France|
Get Study Abroad Scholarship Support Heading link
Do you need additional assistance identifying scholarships specific to you? Would you benefit from a brainstorm or essay review session with a study abroad advisor? Contact the Study Abroad Office for a one-on-one consultation or attend one of our regularly scheduled funding and scholarship workshops.